Kasala (for a first-born twin), COFFEE & BLOOD ORANGE
• Kasala (for a first-born twin), COFFEE & BLOOD ORANGE

May 25, 2024
Kasala (for a first-born twin)
mfana ka Thandiwe,
heir of Themba,
your river of life
so full of love
all that hope towards you,
yet for some reason
you are still reluctant
to take your final form as an ocean.
descendant of Godide
Mphemba, Ndlela ka Sompisi,
your will is so intentional
foot stepping
forming pathways
tall grass sways from your wind
while you pass by
the second born twin
is so inclined
to blindly follow you
even into the darkness of your cave
sibonga oMwelase ka Ndlovu
for soles of your two feet
in rich dialogue with soil,
a long walk to find yourself
bless will of ancestors
that brought you home
after an absence you built
from stonewalls
we acknowledge the blood flowing within you
as a compromise
two lines merging
into one
bless Ntuli & Mwelase clans
running inside of you,
forging an heir
so worthy
of admiration & love
so graciously
received in abundance.
“Life is such a gentle, treasured thing. I learn about it every minute. I think about it so deeply”
— Bessie Head
strong dark brown coffee bean / roasted, grounded, granulated
stimulating nerves / leaning into life / leaving me restless enough
to receive / sunrise with eyes wide open / here, my cup is empty.
here, my blood flows free of caffeine / here, the stream is my open
wound once profusely red / only now drying & on the verge of closing
while attachment loosening its place / & i know that in this place of sorrow
i cannot live forever/ but still, i cannot help it / hurt soul, i cannot move
smothered in endless agitation / here, my motionless body is held
by a mind weakened by a dream / unable to help myself other than
to return deep inside the wound / because how much longer
will i claim to have died / even though the morning scent of coffee
reminds me / that i am the one / who has actively refused to live.
sun & your violence
& those of us left to bask beneath you
question whether we should still
consider you glorious
amid a troubling premonition
of your loving warmth
slowly eroding our bones.
from a passion once known
into one with a strong resemblance
to fire down to a weeping
melancholia of teeth gnashing
skin seeks deliverance from your
tenderness your flaming ball ablaze
that peaks the closer we get
towards the end of summer
we were always incompatible
our union doomed from the entry
a sharp sun to the blunt sunset
that found one of us on the verge of surrender
the other embodying dusk hovering over
with a cold that we both will claim
when we blame the other
saying we were left for dead.
SIHLE NTULI is a poet from Durban, South Africa. A Best of the Net, Eric Hoffer Book Award, and Pushcart prize nominee, Ntuli is the author of four poetry books including two poetry chapbooks; Rumblin (uHlanga 2020) and The Nation (River Glass Books 2023) alongside two full length collections, Stranger (Aerial Publishing 2015) & Zabalaza Republic (Botsotso Publishing 2023).
*Image by Nguyen Tong Hai Van on Unsplash