Dear Future Ntwenukané
• Dear Future Ntwenukané

February 24, 2024
Dear Future Ntwenukané
As I started writing this
I already decided that I won’t call it
To My Future Husband
Husband sounds so...basic.
That’s not what I want from you.
So, I’ll find a better word
or leave it as future…
That explanation above
already tells you some things
about me,
but let’s get you ready
for the madness in store.
I have spent years becoming me.
Perfecting my don’t give a shit
Realigning my principles and values.
I’m not looking for someone to complete me.
I come whole.
And when I’m with you,
I hope that you will understand
that I’m here to be a partner,
not a therapist,
or fixer.
I’m not looking for that
from you either.
I love to cook nshima at 3am after a night out.
You’ll find me cleaning up at stupid o’clock,
because I can’t stand dirty dishes in the sink.
I love making and keeping my space beautiful,
I’ll add 1000 new scatter cushions to the collection if you don’t stop me.
It will be our space,
wherever we are,
and I’ll never stop
wanting to create a haven
that we can wake up in daily,
have rap and hip-hop karaoke nights,
and on cold days nestle in the womb of the pillow forts we’ll build.
My mind is an ever-active
hub of activity.
I will never stop telling you
what goes on in there.
The ideas for books I want to write,
exploring how to overcome my fear of heights,
plans to achieve what’s on my vision board,
the pains of my past that I’m working on in therapy.
It all tends to just spill out.
I love exploring the great outdoors, travelling to new destinations.
The journey is always just as exciting for me as the place I’ll arrive at.
Walking down cobbled streets looking for an open cafe in a sleepy town.
Hiking in a forest when my wifi is off and I don’t have Google maps to guide me, as a safety net.
Staring up at skyscrapers taking in the noise of a big city, as I look for that burger place a girl I met in Seychelles once recommended. Closing my eyes and taking in the sound of a speedboat kissing the water as it speeds towards a hidden island where a candle-lit dinner awaits.
I want all my senses to take in every new experience
I hope you do too.
I hope you’re ready for the adventures
We will try new things a lot.
I can guarantee that,
though sometimes I’ll need
a gentle nudge and go on from you,
to help me be brave.
We all come with a past,
and I’ll tell you all about mine.
I pray that I never use it against you,
or to justify bad behaviour.
I don’t tell you this
to make you feel sorry for me
or prepare you for a minefield.
I have healed from most scars
and I’m working on what’s left
of the pain.
that I trust that you being here
means you will not
leave wounds in your wake.
I love to read, but I rarely choose what books, I sort of let them come to me.
I love to learn about people and places, history, how things are made, there’s no end to the weird things you’ll find in my Google searches. My mind is a curious hub.
My taste in music is definitely eclectic, you’ll find out just how much in due course.
Visual art makes me so emotional, but you’ll have a hard time pulling me away.
Photography makes my heart so happy, but I struggle sometimes, finding that balance between capturing moments and just soaking up and living in them.
I get so excited
when I see people
expressing and enjoying
their creativity.
I can’t wait to explore
what’s in that mind of yours.
licked my door today.
stuck out its tongue and
for a second, I saw the tip
of that hungry
beast’s desire
peek in the gap.
I need to get a
draft blocker,
something to keep
the gusts of winter out,
or just wrap this duvet
tighter around me.
surely these nights are
what 13 tog was
made for?
the door is still locked.
I don’t have to let it in,
but I shouldn’t have
let my mind wander off.
the memory of
my hand on that
doorknob had me
covering my mouth
to smother
the sharp intake of
the cold against
the heat of my
firmly holding,
letting the wild in.
but the thought
of trying to let
the dogs out
when you turn your
isle of solitude into
a menagerie...
not today.
Pierced Skin
Today it’s a black and white polka dot dress.
Monochrome May, my favorite month,
but this dress is not working.
I’m a size 10
and she’s throwing a size 16 over my head.
A pin to cinch it all in the right places
and- “ouch”.
I felt that.
Be careful.
I’m leaning too far
and she hasn’t noticed.
I still have the scratches on my shoulder
from last week’s fall.
The duct tape in my inner thigh
from the time she tried
to get my leg
into a pair of size S jeans
so I get taken out of the front window
when it’s lingerie week.
That thigh has felt too much pain,
so many hands.
Can she see
that my head is leaning to one side?
I’m so, so tired,
how can she not notice
that I’m ready to just
lay down in the backroom
and have my body used
as spare parts for another beauty.
I stopped being whole
the day I arrived
and was taken out of the box.
There’s a crack that only I can feel,
just under my left arm.
But they never leave my side
so no one ever notices.
The half-smile pasted on my face
has never left.
Head dizzy.
She quickly puts it back in place
waiting for the click.
Another day.
Dress me
only to undress me
in broad daylight
when someone wants
what I have.
Nothing is ever mine
for long
but I’m longing
for something
to call my own.
I’m ready
to call
the darkness
my home.
I knew I no longer cared
when I didn’t* write a poem about it.
Stored in a Cruel Dark Place
I wore more makeup last night to
The sunburn so that I could spend
More time discussing the things that mattered
Rather than divert the conversation with people
Debating my changed complexion.
I spoke
On the phone so that I didn’t sound aggressive even if
My cadence and VOLUME are simply
Passion and excitement
I wouldn’t want to scare the listener away,
Would I?
I did my nails shorter this time
Acrylics down to a length that doesn’t make me sound so
When I’m typing
“Kind regards” on my keyboard.
I donned jeans and a t-shirt in the
Of summer because my sundress shows off
My tattoos and too much skin
We wouldn’t want the men’s eyes
To be distracted at the church barbecue
That just wouldn’t do.
I took down my favourite painting
Because the curves of the woman depicted might
D i s t r a c t
the visitors (spelt intruders) from the serious matters
They came to my haven to ventilate.
I was told that this self-expression in ink wasn’t quite right
Because it didn’t have enough artfulness
To it, didn’t fit a style, they
Sonnet, limerick, elegy? I forget.
Something to make it stand out from
The rest.
I wrote it anyway, and I hope
That this is the beginning of me doing things
With me in mind and not
A version that’s rehearsed
Trying so hard to be:
I wrote the words on a clean page
So that in the words
E s c a p i n g
My mind in whatever
hApHazard way it all rushed
Maybe I too could be
SUWILANJI NAMUSAMBA is an avid reader, foodie, writer, traveller and shutterbug. In 2021 she was one of the winners of the ANTOA Writing Contest, awarded for her poem Dusk: Earth Rising. She is currently working on a poetry chapbook, her memoir and a work of fiction which she intends to finish when she figures out how to set Autosave on her MacBook. She pays for her expensive habits with her other guilty pleasure, being a full time lawyer. She holds a bachelor of laws degree from the University of Zambia and a master’s degree in international commercial law from the University of Leicester (UK). She has worked in private practice, primarily civil and criminal litigation, since admission to the bar in March, 2014. In April, 2020 she became the first female Partner at her firm in its 52 year history. She is a keen mental health advocate and aims to keep winning aunt of the year for teaching her friends’ and family’s little munchkins how to swim. You can see snapshots of her adventures on Instagram: @joytotheswirls
*Image by Namukolo Siyumbwa