Ubwali Interview Series
• Ubwali Interview Series

From Alaandiiche to Nebraska: A Naming with Chinua Ezenwa-Ọhaeto
It lingers, even when we try to chase it away… a profound and uncomfortable truth: pain, in its many forms, often fuels the most resonant art, I think. I believe this isn’t because writers revel in pain, but because pain, like joy, is universal. The exploration of pain in art is not a glorification of suffering; it is a reckoning with the human condition. Loss, grief, heartbreak—these are experiences that unearth truths we might otherwise ignore. And I must say something briefly: I don’t dream of unicorns feeding on rainbows; I dream of Ijele, Izaga, Adamma, ojuju calabar . . .

A Conversation between Logomaniacs: On Words, Resilience, and the Sacredness of Writing
I will give anything to go back to that time I would write on the back of my Calculus II exercise book without caring for the ‘rules’. They say ignorance is bliss. I think ‘knowledge is torture’ or ‘knowledge is problems/chest pains’ should be published as the true opposite

The Sound of Kindness: I Echo on Writing and Humanity
I am a young poet. I am burdened by a lack of knowledge about the arts. However, this burden is not enough for me to surrender to being tossedto and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.

Nature as Resistance : A conversation between Akal Mohan & Emily Pensulo
Once men are sold on an idea or value, it’s always difficult to make them change their ways.

Writing in the dark: A conversation between Akal Mohan & Mukandi Siame
I recently moved back home and started seeing my mother as a human being and was humbled to see how much I am like her. I thought I was better than her, because I have my father in me.

Strong and free: A conversation between Akal Mohan & Gerry Sikazwe
In the city, things are masked and played to the gallery a lot that it is difficult to easily find the real in the reel

On conflict, love and optimism: A conversation between Akal Mohan & Mutinta Nanchengwa
I would like to show people as they really are. … people are such a rich collection of experiences and I hope to display their hopes and fears and dreams in my stories.

The Pure Language of Poetry : A conversation between Akal Mohan & Anna Zgambo
Creative writing is in the informal sector because qualifications are optional. Informality deprives writers of remuneration, security and benefits.